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(Re-order in progress - 1 Jug left)


How much is your health worth?


This is the question as you're about to buy a completely revolutionary water jug. Your most important asset is your health, and waiting to be sick to do something about it isn't the right strategy. Structuring your water is a revolutionary preventative measure because it is so simple and convenient! If you need it to support a treatment, it can also work there.


With a 2 year warranty, this may cost you 50c per day to hydrate your body to levels you've never experienced before, and feel its amazing effects.


You'll taste the difference immediately. People who try it report that the water is lighter, silky and that they can drink twice as much water as they used to...


If you've checked our knowledge section and a few videos, you probably get it. This is one of the greatest secret of the living. As Da Vinci said, "water is the driving force of nature."


Designed And Made In Denmark, This Water Vortexer Jug is exclusively available in Australia through your practitionner or this website.


The design is based on a hundred year of research into nature, water and the pionneering work of Viktor Schauberger : The Maple Seed design and Silver coating of the central blade which creates a uniquely structured vortex, the use of the golden ratio and Fibonnacci mathematical patterns, the ovoid shaped bottom specific to the pythagorean ancient knowledge...


The lid is a feat of clean technology and convenience. No Wifi, or low electromagnetic interference onto the water.


It consists of a motor and interface with 3 settings: First time users (training setting), 3.3 minutes et 7.3 minutes to ensure water is structured sufficiently. Starting on the strongest setting will create strong detox symptoms, so it is recommended to proceed gradually!


Overall, the time to spin, the amount of rotation, the direction of the rotation (counter clockwise), the millions of vortice created through the shape of the jug, the physical shape of the main vortex created, the precise dimensions of the Ovoid bottom, and the ratio of water being vortexed, have taken a long time for its inventor Erik Lavigne to perfect.


The result is an easy to use water jug, which will complete 50 cycles per charge, and will become indispensable in your home.


It comes with a 2 year warranty and phone/ email support to get the most of your jug.


Ask your practionner about how to use structured water as part of your health or healing journey.

Water Vortexer Jug - 2nd Generation

SKU: 001
    • Complete package: 1x Jug, 1x Motor Lid With The Maple Seed Helix, 1x 5.5V Charger, 1 Use Guide
    • The Lid Features A Chargeable And Programmable Motor Attached To The Maple Seed Helix


    • 2 spin modes, 3.3m and 7.3m
    • Egg Shaped Bottom To Enhance Vortex
    • Silver Coated Helix
    • 1.8 Liter Capacity
    • 50 Spins From One Charge (Using USB or 5.5V Charger supplied)
    • BPA free, Phtalate Free, Newly Developped (2018) High Performance Ecozen Bio-Copolyester To Ensure No Leaching Chemicals
    • Size: H 32cm, Diameter 20cm (Including The Handle)
    • Weight: 1.69 kg
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